Kubuntu 21.10 on Asus Transformer T100TA with Touchscreen, Sound, Wi-Fi working

Main information based on:

Added/removed some information based on my experience.

Grab 32bit efi boot loader from:

Download Kubuntu 21.10 ISO-file from Ubuntu homepage.

Use for example Rufus to write the ISO-file to an USB stick.

Copy over the bootia32.efi to the stick /EFI/boot.

Start from the stick.
Press ESC few times at boot time for one time boot menu.

Boot up the Kubuntu stick and choose try Kubuntu.

Open a terminal and start installation with sudo ubiquity -b.
Note: -b: So ubiquity installer won’t write a boot loader automatically.


Leave the 100mb efi partition.

Delete the windows partition.

Create a new ext4 partition and mount it to /

Install the system

After installation choose continue testing.

Fresh installation root partition is now mounted into /target

Mount also the 100mb efi partition to /target/boot/efi

Mount some local dirs to /target:
for dir in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do mount –bind „$dir“ /target/“$dir“; done

Change root into the target root directory.
chroot /target /bin/bash

Install boot loader:
apt update
apt install grub-efi-ia32
grub-install –efi-directory=/boot/efi

Set cstate parameter correctly.
Note: Otherwise system will halt randomly after approx. 30min runtime.
vi /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=“intel_idle.max_cstate=1 quiet splash“

Exit chroot.

Unmount /target/boot/efi


Install onboard:
sudo apt isntall onboard

Install evdev-rce:
Note: Change order of cc commands – move flags to the end of line. After make you just have to start the compiled binary for tap-and-hold-for-right-click capability.
Note: I’m rarely using this, because in practice I do not need the right click function for the touchscreen very often. So when needed I just run the binary, use the right-click and then exit the binary again. Letting it run in background can bring up problems with other touchscreen operations e.g. Onboard on screen keyboard.

Replace Pulseaudio with Pipewire:
Note: The default audio server Pulseaudio will let the sound crash after few minutes. Only a high frequent sinus tone is then emitted – will also bring problems with video playback then.
Note: When you want to stick with Pulseaudio you can recover from the crash with the pulseaudio -k command. I changed to Pipewire, as I could not find any permanent solution for Pulseaudio. A good starting point for further research could be: https://github.com/thesofproject/sof/issues/3868
sudo apt install pipewire*
sudo apt install libspa-0.2-bluetooth
Note: This lib is needed for Bluetooth audio working properly.

Disable powersaving function for Wi-Fi adapter:
cd /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d
mv default-wifi-powersave-on.conf default-wifi-powersave-off.conf
vi /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-off.conf
wifi.powersave = 2


when you experience issues with not remembering tap to click on your touchpad on reattach, add to /usr/share/X11/x11.org.conf.d/40-libinput.conf:
Note: Remember to restart libinput by at minimum relogon.
Section „InputClass“
Identifier „Asus TouchPad“
MatchDriver „libinput“
MatchIsTouchpad „on“
Option „Tapping“ „true“
Option „NaturalScrolling“ „True“